Amazing Mothers

Rachel Crawford is one of our Amazing Mothers.  You can read her story in chapter 9.

Rachel Crawford

 She Chose to Heal
Soothing Teas Created after the Premature Birth of Twin Daughters 

On the morning of the funeral, Rachel stood in front of the bathroom mirror and told God how it was going to be between them in the future. Then she put on her dress and looked a second time in the mirror and declared, “This will not destroy my life. This will not determine who I am from here in out. I choose healing!”

Here is what is happening in Rachel's life: 

Many doors of opportunity have been opened for me and Teamotions in the last two years. I have been able to share Teamotions message of hope and healing and my testimony in various and completely unexpected ways. I traveled to NYC in Nov 2012 to partner with Tea for Humanity to offer warm cups of tea to victims and relief workers of Hurricane Sandy. I went on national television and radio in May of 2013 appearing on Fox and Friends Weekend News in NYC and the Rita Cosby radio show. Teamotions has also been featured in a number of local and national news papers and magazines. We also co-hosted our first retreat for moms who have had a baby die in pregnancy, infancy, and toddlerhood called Retreat HOPE just this past weekend ( 17 women came together for support and rest in the presence of other women who understand the journey they are on. I had the privilege of teaching these women on multiple topics including healing is a choice, how to ask for the support they need, the importance of forgiveness in healing, and how we honor our babies more by healing than by hurting. The weekend was a powerful success and one of my most meaningful accomplishments to date. Coming up I have been asked to give the keynote address at the MISS kindness walk taking place in May of this year in Los Angeles and I was also awarded a scholarship to the Archangel Academy for Social Entrepreneurship-those using for profit business to do meaningful good in the world. I will attend in May also. In the works for the future is a recipe book for emotional well-being and healing where others can find nourishment for their bodies and souls.

To learn more about Rachel, her healing teas and her twin girls Aubrey and Ellie click on Teamotions and After the Dawn.

Lynn McCarter shares how Art Therapy has helped her on her grief journey.
Lynn McCarter
Art Therapy was suggested to me about six months into my grief journey.  Initially, I wondered how in the world this could help.  To my amazement, it has helped tremendously.  What I have discovered is a way to preserve some of my happiest memories with my son and with that help some of my family members who were angry at him for dying.  I have found ways to describe my grief that have helped me see the healing over the last 24 months.  I have done some research on why Art Therapy helps.  It seems the thoughts associated with an emotional experience create their own path in our brain.  As we continue to think those thoughts over and over again we create a rut similar to one that might be created on a muddy road.  With art therapy we can create a new pathway.  We can allow healing thoughts in and begin to create a new way of thinking that can help to see a glimmer of hope on this long journey of the heart.  I have used “The Walk with the Shepherd” that you will find in Linda’s book.  I use the journal to help open my mind to create pictures—using collage techniques with pictures from magazines or pastels to create my own pictures.  I am no artist. . .there is no talent required to start this process.  
Creating word pictures is as helpful as drawing or painting or using many of the other techniques.  Start with a prayer, pick an emotion and make a picture.